Thursday, May 30, 2013

GIS Programming Soil Erase Shape file

This is a screen shot of a shape file I produced in my GIS Programming course. We were given two shape files (soils, basin)and instructions to create a model that would select all "Not prime farmlands" from the soils shape file, then erase those areas from the basin shape file.  The result is the above shape file, which I named soils_erase. Having no experience in model building or script writing I was not looking forward to this class, and although it has just started, I feel a little more confident about surviving this course.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Areas of possible Inudation in the Event of Volcanic activity at Mt. Hood Oregon.

This map started out as two 30m digital elevation raster which were combined into a single raster. Then using several tools within the ArcMap,  Hydrology tool set we were able to determine the most likely paths of debris flow. Very neat stuff!

Possible areas of inudation in the event of a volcanic eruption of Mt. Hood Oregon.

This is a map of possible hazard areas is the event of a volcanic eruption of Mount Hood. The map depicts schools and populated areas located within a .5 mile buffer zone of predicted lahar flows.  The predicted lahar flows were determined using elevation rasters and Hydrology tools within AcrMap.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

GIS Applications for Environmental Management

I am interested in the GIS application for Environmental Management, or more specifically Wildlife habitat management. This application would fall under the Natural Resources Industry.  The problems that can be addressed with this application are aiding in the determination of the amount, location, and varying degrees of habitat productivity, and how all these factors affect the population of the species involved.  Using the data provided from these applications managers can make decisions that will positively affect species population in the future. GIS is used in many ways in this application, from mapping habitat boundaries retrieved from GPS units to tracking an individual animal’s movement with the use of remote sensing, to name just a few. I am interested in this application because I enjoy the outdoors and all the plants and animals found there.  Earth has a limited number of resources and we need to be good stewards of these resources.   As a grandfather, I also believe we owe future generations the same or better opportunities to experience these things that we now enjoy.  I would like to learn more about remote sensing to better determine habitat ranges of certain species.  Animals behave more naturally when they have little or no interaction with humans, so I believe remote sensing is the best way to observe without influencing behavior.   

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GIS Programming Screen Shot

This is a screen shot of my "S" drive.  These folders were all created by running a Python script provided by the GIS Programming course I am currently enrolled in. This is the first assignment for the course, I have no background in programming or scripting and I am hoping to keep my head above water and learn as much as possible.